
There are some people who just know. The folks over at Woody West, they are definately those kind of people. Tonight the give they the Swedish Westcoast something really special. A minifestival, a pre-party to Way Out West if you will.
With artists like these, this will be a night to remember. A crowd of a bit over a 1000 will get the chance to meet bands like Band of Horses, First Aid Kit and artists like Dylan LeBlanc, Basia Bulat up close and personal.
Kentuckyseven will be there. For this Limited Edition. Thank you Woody West.
Starts at 17.00 @ Trägårn’ Gothenburg.
Tix: Check out Ticnet, Nudie Jeans Store or Pusterviksbiljetter
1 comment | tags: Band of Horses, basia bulat, Dylan Leblanc, Trägår'n, Woody West | posted in Festivals

Photo: Maria Gunnesson
Iron & Wine @ Trägår’n, Gothenburg, Sweden 2011-02-04
Crowded with beards and chequered shirts. There is no doubt that this is going to be something special.
When Sam Beam and friends enter the stage, mine and all others heart start to pound. Worth the wait? Indeed.
But there is more than just Iron & Wine tonight, something new. Something else. The crowd is invited to Sam Beams personal musical universe. Jazz-tunes, Funky melodies and Calypso fills the room, and takes the songs to yet another level. This could have been a small, dark and quiet evening with touchy feel, but instead we are given a journey. A journey that leaves no one untouched. Except for those in the back, who apparently did some serious misreading when they bought their tickets. Talking with their backs against the stage, during the most magical extra song right in the end. Sad.
However, this is a new era, a new way to listen to great music, from a great man. I will be there next time too. Me and Lazareus too.
I haven’t had the pleasure of listening that much to the new album, but from this evening and on, it will surely take a place in my heart.
A six out of seven is not too much. That is what it is worth. Play it again, Sam. Please.

A round of applause to the greatest gang in the west. Woody West, who made it happen.
no comments | tags: Iron & Wine, Sam Beam, Trägår'n, Woody West | posted in Concerts

17 april, var Kentuckyseven, tillsammans med drygt 1000 andra på Trägårn’. En helt vanlig lördag. I april.
Band of Horses, som vi har kallat Världens bästa band stod på scen. Och som de gjorde det. Låt efter låt, deras repertoar får andra band att avundas. På de två (snart tre) album som de ställt ut i skivhyllorna, saknas ingenting. Man får precis det man vill ha. Sen får man mer.
Spelningen är som vilken som helst av deras skivor. Överjävligt bra. Känsligt, manglande, country och fantastiskt. Stämsången som Matt och Ben bjuder på är magisk. Till och med felplinket på Funeral känns bra.
Ser fler än jag, som torkar en tår ur ögonvrån. För så bra är Band of Horses. Har upplevt känslan två gånger tidigare. När det blir så bra så man vill gråta. Det här var en sån kväll.
Betyget: 7/7, vad annars.
Bara att låta skägget växa ut tills nästa gång.
no comments | tags: Band of Horses, Infinite Arms, Magi, Trägår'n | posted in Music, Reviews
Då kommer det bli åka av.
Världens bästa band kommer till Trägår’n. Band of Horses, som gjort två fantastiska album. Ben Bridwell som kanske är coolast i västvärlden, och har de snedaste framtänderna skall upp på scen. Vi skall vara där. Lita på det.
Under tiden njut av den oerhörda spelningen på Way Out West i somras: Weed Party
1 comment | tags: Band of Horses, Trägår'n, Way Out West | posted in Festivals, One day - One track