
Gaukur á Stöng

There is no way to say this in a nice way. Suuns is the sound of sex.
Okay, not really. But the feeling of that one frustration, holding back or giving in. It doesn’t matter. This is dark and somewhat twisted. This is Canadian gold and dirt at the same time.

Unfortunately the crowd seems hungover since Honningbarna and Suuns never really get the response that they quite deserve. This is music that has the capability to change you at the very core if you let it.
If you let it in.
Live these four guys are even more aggressive and harsher than on record and it suits them terribly well. The way the singer hunches up to the mic almost curled up and with a dark frown on this face, you can almost feel the disgust. I don’t know exactly how the rest of the crowd reacted to their live show but I wasn’t prepared for this.
Though I am glad that I actually got to experience it.
Suuns is an experience.

When the band lets lose Pie IX it’s like they sneakily opened the door to something dark and haunting. You feel it in your gut, in your bones. Suuns have you in their grasp and the entire audience is put under a spell, following the baseline and the repetitive mantra like it was a ritual of a big cult. Apart from Pie IX it’s Up Past the Nursery that really stands out during the set.
Having said that, they never reached that peak that I was looking for – that’s frustration for you. They are sharp but there seems to be something missing and it’s difficult to narrow down exactly what. It might be that the guitars are a bit loud and the singing a bit low so that the balance is lost.
This is a 5/7

/Maja, K7 correspondent
no comments | tags: Iceland Airwaves, Maja Sigfeldt, Suuns | posted in Concerts, Festivals, Maja, Reviews

Gaukur á Stöng

These youngsters are surely up and coming. And mad. You could not believe how mad Norwegian teens can be.
When the show was about to start the entire band made a point of entering the stage through the audience. Pushing and shoving as if to start their own chaos and mess. And it worked, the crowded venue soon turned rowdy in just the right way.
K7 are aware that Honningbarna, meaning Honey children, might very well be out of the comfort zone for regular K7 readers and their ears but these guys have something relevant to say. Not only that, but they manage to say it an convincing, captivating and enthusing way – and with a cello. Come on, how can this not be anything short of fantastic?

Honningbarna kept up the high energy performance and didn’t hold back on anything. When the singer picked up his cello and started playing like a mad man the strings on the bow were soon flying across the stage.
It wasn’t very long ago since these guys won a prize in Norway for the best up and coming band and I’m not surprised even in the slightest.
Some of the songs are classics within the punk genre, such as Fri Palestina, ”Free Palestine”, but that’s not the point. These guys are more than just copy cats of their priors. When the singer stands there in a tidy blue sweater with a clean shirt and tie underneath and sing about the ungrateful children of the bourgeois it’s not a coincidence.

With said high energy, excellent execution and relevant material Honningbarna is a 6/7. I can’t help it. They’re just that good. The Kentuckyseven is reserved for their future, they’re not done yet.

/Maja, K7 correspondent
no comments | tags: Honningbarna, Iceland Airwaves, Maja Sigfeldt | posted in Concerts, Festivals, Maja, Reviews