The man is back after a seven-year-break from the musicscene. It´s his first Swedengig in 14 years, exclusive at the grand piano. Yeah – we´re excited.
Martin Rossiter (ex Gene) gigs Gothenburg May 29 at Park Live, Sankt Jörgen Resort. Kentuckyseven got a interview with Mr Rossiter, enjoy!
1. Your old band Gene (1993-2004) sold 2 million records and had 10 UK top-40 singles. How to summarize that time in your life?
”To be honest most of it is a blur, I look back and wonder who the man is who looks like me and sings like me but doesn’t feel like me. If you see him let him know I want a word.”
2. You live in Brighton, how´s the southcoast musicscene right now?
”I’ve never really involved myself in any scene. Scene’s tend not to like me and the feeling is mutual. You’d be better off asking someone young with ’interesting’ hair.”
3. We are really excited by your solodebut, the song Drop Anchor is really beautiful. What can you tell us bout the song?
”If a few people fall in love to it I’ll be happy. It is important as it was the first new song that people have heard and despite sometimes having an ego the size of Gothenburg, I confess to having been a touch nervous that the response would be ’it’s ok Martin but when are you going to play Fighting Fit’. Thankfully it wasn’t.”
4. You´re on tour for the first time in 7 years. Frightened?
”Absolutely not. Why would I be?”
5. You hit Gothenburg May 29, your first Swedengig in 14 years. What can the audience expect?
”Songs, songs and songs. Call me a luddite but I still think the song has more power than any other art form.”
6. Could you recommend some new music to our readers?
”There is such a paucity of new talent it’s hard to think of anything but I am very partial to Villagers and the James Blake album is interesting.”
7. Finally, please mention three artists that inspire you?
”Dolly Parton, Billy Bragg and Sophie Pointer.”
¤¤¤Please check out Martin´s new and brilliant song ’Drop Anchor’.