Merry Deer-Mas
Kentuckyseven says Merry Frigging X-mas to all you lovely people around.
Let´s celebrate Christmas all summer long.
Kentuckyseven says Merry Frigging X-mas to all you lovely people around.
Let´s celebrate Christmas all summer long.
Album Shore to Shore – Releasedate 2011-02-28
I recently got aquainted with a very interesting artist. Norman Palm.
Trying to find out more about the man I stumbled in to his corner at, and started reading.
The man is not only a great musician, he is also a designer and an artist.
After graduating from both an artschool in Berlin and one in Paris he made his first album ”Songs” which he describes not only as an album but a recordbook. 200 pages of Palm’s artwork included.
Mr Palm, has released another album, but only in Germany, where he resides, when he isn’t down in Mexico City.
The album will hit the rest of Europe in February 2011. A review will be here on Kentuckyseven shortly. Album name? Shore To Shore.
I’ve started to listen to the album, and I can say so far, I am very intrigued. This is something else. Something new.
Wanna take a look, listen? Feel free…
Norman Palm – Easy (Vid)
Norman Palm – Easy (mp3)
Listen @ Soundcloud Norman Palm – Easy
It´s time to introduce Jonathan Boulet to the masses. Or to our dear readers anyway.
Boulet is a young aussie who luvs skateboarding the streets of Sydney. Megaskilled (played every instrument on his debut EP a year back) and now heading for the big breakthru.
Listen up JB´s new singel You´re a Animal, released by Modular People. This is some intense, drumdriven, catchy, haunting, energetic stuff for ya´ll. Drugs in audio.
Funeral Party, L.A.’ most energetic band is releasing their debut album ”Golden Age of Nowhere” in January 2011.
The EP Funeral Party, with Carwars, Chalice and NYC moves to the sound of LA had me at the first note.
This is bound to be a masterpiece, if Funeral Party doesn’t conquer the world with this album, I will personally make it my mission in life to get people to understand their greatness. The single, ”Just Because”, which can be bought at iTunes gives you a taste of what’s coming. This is awsome.
I know that Kentuckyseven will move to the sound of L.A.
Listen @ Funeral Party’s Myspace
Deer Ticks Ian O´Neil exposed us to this revelation. We asked him about the big break thru 2011. O´Neil said, in his own wonderful way, “my vote would be that J. Roddy Walston and the Business make a ton of money.”
Well I´m putting my own bucks on this crazy, way-down-south, pianodriven, stompin, huffing and puffing, all night long Baltimoreband. And believe me, these guys are just getting started.
Their new self titled album is setting stuff on fire. It´s rock and roll all over. Late November just became J Roddy Time.
I am completely blown away.
If you ever feel that things aren’t really rockin’, you know a dark and rainy sunday in november, you keep waiting for the clock to strike bedtime. Screw that. Get yourself a copy of Burning Your House Down, get the most fragile things out of the way, put it on, get it on.
The album has got soul, power, some-kind-of-insane-energetic-boogie-feel. I am sure that your sunday will change to the better. Much better.
If this doesnt get your rocks on, you should probably go to bed early.
Rock on. I know, it’s a cliche, but darn it rocks.
Our friends at Woody West know their stuff, The Jim Jones Revue is playing @ Pustervik 9/12, and from what I’ve heard this is a show you don’t wanna miss.
The event on Facebook: Jim Jones Revue @ Pustervik
Listen @ Spotify: The Jim Jones Revue
Thomas Denver Johansson, har släppt skiva under sitt nya namn: I’m Kingfisher. Skivan släpptes 18 oktober på nytt bolag, Playground Music (Koop, Jenny Wilson mfl).
Arctic är en skön saga med fantastiska melodier och drömska ljudlandskap. Gitarrer som bygger en känsla av hopp. Finns sköna kopplingar till tidiga singer/songwriters från en svunnen tid.
Öppningsspåret Willing Night Plants har fastnat i min iPod. Vägrar ge sig. Jag har inget emot det. Lutar mig mot fönstret och tittar ut i regnet. Vi connectar.
Lyssna upp: I’m Kingfisher på Spotify
Fortsätter hitta bra, allvarsam norsk musik . Här Rebekka Karifjord. Låten Wear it like a crown har inspirerat till en teaterföreställning. Jag hör varför. Beroendeframkallande som en limpa gul blend.
Grymt band från San Diego som turnerat med Kentuckyfavoriterna Cold War Kids över Amerikas asfalt.
Delta Spirit är inget nyskapande band. De lånar från gudarna. Jag hör Bob Dylan, Neil Young och Rolling Stones mellan raderna.
Det är satans bra folkmusik som berör. Lyssna in på spotify eller myspace, följ på twitter. Bandet släpper nytt i dagarna, Waits Room EP.
Hakar på psychfolktrenden. Ja, det är ett ord.
Här är Woods. Skönt band från Brooklyn som släppt sin femte platta i år. At Echo Lake är en svängig samling. Får känslan av att bandet jammat fram plattan på någon veranda bakom ett vitt trähus med liggande panel mitt på en åker där majsbrännvinet flödat fritt.
Jeremy Earls röst är som hämtad från 60-talet. Ett perfekt eko från en svunnen tid.